Cloud-Hosted SOLIDWORKS Powered by EpiGrid
How Can You Leverage SOLIDWORKS in the Cloud To Improve Engineering Efficiency?
Converge partners with EpiGrid to deliver Cloud-hosting solutions for engineering. We offer a solution that allows you to continue using the tried-and-true CAD tools you love while moving aspects of the design workflow to the Cloud. We call this hybrid approach a SHaaS model – Software HOSTING as a Service.
With our SHaaS delivery of Cloud-based CAD tools, you can continue to use the software you know and love while leveraging the Cloud for your data management scheme or utilizing our Cloud-hosted VDI without sacrificing functionality.
Server Hosting & Infrastructure
Hosted computing involves deploying remote servers and software networks that allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources.
Virtual Workstations
Deploying and managing enterprise applications can be challenging, costly, and time consuming, especially when IT organizations are already stretched thin.
Managed & Monitored Services
Our clients are interested in designing products—not managing IT infrastructure—which is why we’ve created a fully managed Cloud-hosted solution.
Data Replication
Data can be replicated across multiple engineering teams and locations to allow faster file load speeds and keep all engineers and designers collaborating efficiently.
Data Distribution
The problems most companies face today are not related to usage of the CAD software. Most of their problems are data management and data distribution problems.
What Makes Converge and EpiGrid Different?
EpiGrid is the pioneer SOLIDWORKS Cloud solution provider specifically focused on the mechanical and design engineering industries with expertise in server hosting, network architecture optimization and implementation, and system administration and consultation. With server hardware in data centers throughout the world, EpiGrid is the only Cloud-hosting provider tailored to engineers' unique system and software requirements.