The Top 4 Benefits of Using SOLIDWORKS Cloud Solutions for Your Engineering and Manufacturing Business


Cloud,PDM,SOLIDWORKS / November 3, 2022

SOLIDWORKS Cloud is a nebulous terms that can mean different things to different people. At Converge, we’re focused on SOLIDWORKS Cloud Solutions because our goal is to give you options for working with Dassault Systems tools like 3DEXPERIENCE and the traditional SOLIDWORKS desktop product you know and love, but hosted in the cloud. When you utilize a hosted SOLIDWORKS Desktop solution you also get the benefits of SOLIDWORKS PDM in the cloud. It offers all of the benefits of SOLIDWORKS PDM with the added advantages of being accessible from anywhere, anytime, on any device. Let’s take a closer look at the four top benefits of using SOLIDWORKS PDM Cloud for your business.

  1. Completely Secure CAD File Transfer

As a manufacturer or engineering firm focused on product design, your competitive edge comes from your ideas. To keep your edge, you must keep your ideas (and intellectual property or IP) safe and secure. With SOLIDWORKS Cloud Solutions, you can rest assured that your IP is well-protected. A SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service solution can offer top notch intrusion protection and immutable backups. . So, you can be confident that your data is safe from cyber-attacks and other threats

  1. Simplified and Stress-Free IT

Another great benefit of SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service is that it simplifies and streamlines your IT infrastructure by removing this burden from your IT team to manage and set up. With SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service, there’s no need for your IT team to install or maintain any software or hardware. All you need an internet connection, and you’re good to go. Your IT team can focus on more strategic initiatives instead of managing SOLIDWORKS PDM.

  1. Collaboration Between Engineers Is Much Easier

SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service (SHAAS)  makes it easy for engineers to collaborate, regardless of location. With SHAAS , you can share files and data securely and efficiently leveraging SOLIDWORKS PDM in the cloud. This way, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page, saving you time and money in the long run.

  1. Scale Your Operations and Capacity as Needed

SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service is a flexible solution that can be scaled up or down as needed. This flexibility means that you only pay for what you use. If your business grows, you can easily add more users and storage. And if your business slows down, you can reduce your subscription without penalty. These options make SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes.

These are four benefits of using SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service and Cloud PDM for your business. If you’re looking for a PDM solution that solves almost every need for your business, there’s a reason why SOLIDWORKS is a top choice.

Make the Switch to SOLIDWORKS PDM Cloud and SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Service With Converge Design

If you’re ready to switch to the best SOLIDWORKS Cloud Solution to meet your needs, Converge Design can help you choose the best path forward with a true Software as a Service solution or SOLIDWORKS Hosted as a Solution. We are a SOLIDWORKS reseller and service provider with over ten years of cloud of experience. We can help you choose the right SOLIDWORKS products for your business and provide training and support.

Get in touch today to get started.